A Story of Hope

Sudish Kumar
5 min readOct 24, 2023

Ramu was a student who lived in a small village. He was very poor but very hardworking. He loved to study and learn new things. He dreamed of becoming a doctor one day and helping his people.

Every morning, he would wake up early and go to school. He would walk for an hour to reach his school, which was in another village. He had only one pair of clothes and one pair of shoes, which were torn and dirty. He had no books or notebooks, only a slate and a chalk.

At school, he would sit on the floor and listen to his teacher attentively. He was very smart and curious. He would ask many questions and answer them correctly. He would also help his classmates with their studies.

But not everyone liked Ramu. Some of the other students were jealous of him. They came from rich families and had everything they wanted. They had nice clothes, shoes, books, bags, and bicycles. They looked down on Ramu and made fun of him. They called him names like “poor boy”, “dirty boy”, “beggar boy”, and “stupid boy”. They also bullied him and beat him up sometimes.

Ramu did not care about their insults or violence. He knew that they were ignorant and mean. He did not hate them or fight back. He only felt sorry for them and prayed for them. He knew that his poverty was not his fault or his choice. He knew that he had something that they did not have: a good heart and a strong mind.

After school, Ramu would not go home directly. He would go to the fields and work as a laborer. He would help the farmers with their crops and animals. He would plow, sow, weed, water, harvest, and carry loads. He would work for hours under the hot sun or the cold rain.

He did this work to earn some money for his family. He had no father, who had died in an accident when he was a baby. He had only one mother, who was old and weak. She could not work much and depended on Ramu for everything.

He also had one younger brother, who was six years old. His name was Bholu, which means innocent in Hindi. Bholu was very cute and sweet. He loved Ramu very much and looked up to him as his hero.

Bholu also went to school, but not the same one as Ramu’s. His school was closer to their home, but it was not as good as Ramu’s school. It had fewer teachers, fewer students, fewer classes, fewer facilities, and fewer resources.

Bholu also worked after school, but not in the fields like Ramu’s work. He worked in a wine factory, which was near their home. It was an illegal factory that made cheap and harmful liquor from rotten fruits and chemicals.

Bholu did not like this work at all. It was dirty, dangerous, and unhealthy. He had to wash the fruits, mix the chemicals, fill the bottles, seal the caps, label the labels, pack the boxes, load the trucks, and unload the carts.

He did this work to earn some money for his family too. The factory owner paid him very little, but it was better than nothing.

Ramu did not want Bholu to work in the wine factory. He knew that it was bad for his health and education. He wanted Bholu to study more and play more like other children of his age.

But he had no choice or voice in this matter. The factory owner was a powerful and cruel man who controlled the village with his money and muscle power.

He forced many children like Bholu to work in his factory by threatening them or their families with violence or eviction.

He also bribed the police and the politicians to turn a blind eye to his illegal activities.

He also sold his liquor to many people in the village and nearby towns who were addicted to it or ignorant of its effects.

He made a lot of money from this business but he did not care about anyone else’s welfare or happiness.

Ramu hated this man more than anyone else in the world.

Every evening, Ramu would return home from his work in the fields tired and hungry.

He would find his mother waiting for him with a smile on her face and a plate of food on her hand.

She would hug him and kiss him and ask him about his day.

She would also give him some food to eat and some water to drink.

She would also tell him some stories or sing some songs to cheer him up.

She would also praise him for his hard work and good grades.

She would also encourage him to keep studying and learning.

She would also pray for him to achieve his dreams and goals.

Ramu loved his mother more than anyone else in the world.

She was his angel and his inspiration.

She was his source of strength and hope.

She was his reason for living and fighting.

She was the best mother in the world.

Ramu would also wait for his brother to come home from his work in the wine factory worried and anxious.

He would find his brother coming home late and sick.

He would hug him and kiss him and ask him about his day.

He would also give him some food to eat and some water to drink.

He would also tell him some jokes or play some games to make him laugh.

He would also help him with his homework and teach him some lessons.

He would also advise him to stay away from trouble and danger.

He would also protect him from harm and evil.

Ramu loved his brother more than anyone else in the world too.

He was his friend and his partner.

He was his joy and his pride.

He was his responsibility and duty.

He was the best brother in the world.

This is how Ramu lived his life every day: working, studying, caring, loving, hoping, dreaming. He faced many challenges and difficulties, but he never gave up or lost faith. He believed that one day, things would get better for him and his family. He believed that one day, he would become a doctor and help his people. He believed that one day, he would make his mother proud and happy. He believed that one day, he would see his brother healthy and free. He believed that one day, he would find happiness and peace. He believed that one day, he would write a story of hope.

But one day, something happened that changed everything for Ramu and his family. Something that they never expected or imagined. Something that shattered their dreams and hopes. Something that tested their faith and courage. Something that started a story of despair.

What happened? What did Ramu do? How did he cope? How did he survive? How did he overcome? How did he end? How did he begin?

To find out, please read the next part of this story. If you liked this part, please clap and subscribe. Thank you. 😊



Sudish Kumar

Teach lead, Flutter Developer, Android Developer, Node Js Developer