How to add Cloud function in Android ?

Firebase cloud function is a server less framework .it execute your codes on the server. we can set trigger on Database, Firestore , Authentication etc. For more information visit on this link
What is trigger in cloud fun?
Trigger means when ever you will codes for cloud trigger and deploy or send it on the server after that your codes will be execute automatic and respond you .
Let’s setup
- Install node.js latest version , if you have already downloaded then you can skip
- Go to C:\Users\User> and run this command on command prompt
npm install -g firebase-tools

3. Go to your project folder and run this command for log in firebase project
firebase login
4. Initialize firebase project like this
firebase init firestore
Don’t forget After select options pressing Enter button
a. After run this command it will give you options then choose Yes
b. Select what ever you want to use like I will select Cloud fun and firestore
c. Select Use an existing project
d. Choose your project
e. Then write Firebase Authentication
f . After that user firebase deploy
g . Select language and press y
h. Select Yes
i. Select Yes
- Firebase initialization complete!
Thanks, Enjoy Cloud functions 👌👌👌👌👌