Learn How to Add an Android Project to Firebase in Minutes
Hi friends,
I am using firebase for 6 months, when I was started learning and working on firebase at that time I have faced a problem with adding Android projects to firebase But Now it doesn’t happen.
Firebase is a platform which gives us Authentication for user authenticating, In-App Massaging for sending massages, Firestore for store data, crashlytics for tracking how many time your app is crash and more things
In a one firebase project, you can add multiple Android projects or apps. The adding flow will be the same.
There is two way to adding Android Project in firebase.
Let’s do,
1 . Create a new Android I hope you can do it if you don’t know then follow this article.
2. Creating a new Firebase project if you have already created then skip this.
3. Go to firebase Console https://console.firebase.google.com/ and click on your project
4. Choose Android or click on the android icon
5. Add your App package name(open manifest file and copy which is in the third line)
If you want to Give App nickname or SHA 1 then otherwise you do it later Click on Register App After that click on Register App
6. Download the google-service JSON file
7. After copy the downloaded file(google-service JSON) and Paste it into the Android Project (Project > App )
8. add firebase dependencies manually are use firebase tool both is there
After adding dependencies click on Sync Now. Now your android project is added to the firebase project
8. Add firebase Manually
a. Select tools in android studio
b. You will see firebase assistance in the Android studio project on the Right side click on anyone Like this,
c . Click on getStarted
d . Then click on Connect to firebase wait for few minutes it will be done automatically
Now Your android studio Project is added in the firebase project
you can see bellow
For more about firebase use this link https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/setup?authuser=0
or visit on firebase docs
Thank you very much, friends.