How to Debug the app
I have been working on live project from 2019 and in this one year I understood app debugging is more important for me and developers when ever my app crash I use debugging for find the errors or bugs🐞👾👾 and finally after debugging I get errors and I solve it. When our teachers was teaching they were said to us but I didn’t more focus on that point but now I understand it’s very very important for ur.
Debugging is way to find the bugs 🐞🐞👾🐞 and removing it.
Why we need debugging?
When we work on any app and many times our app crashed for knowing the reason and for removing bugs , we use it.
How to use Debugging?
I am using Android studio for Android app development .
Let’s see 👀👀
- Create a new project or open your project
- Run the app it will be better Or you can skin this step
- Choose break point
- Add break point on codes
- Run the debugger and check inside
- Now you will get errors or bugs🐞🐞
We should use add break point success or failure parts if it’s not coming in from both sides add break point before both of this (success or failure) .
After finding the bugs if you know then fix it other wise search or pest it on google you will get many results first read headings then go through it.
That’s all for now.
I hope you learn something new and please when ever your app crash or you are not getting results according to you debug the app.
Thank you very much ❤❤ for reading .